If that doesn't work, you are probably going to have to wipe your drive. If that doesn't work, you need to put the plugin on a USB and install it through terminal via recovery mode. To fix it you need to boot into recovery mode and hit terminal with some command that will bypass the authorization plugin. Here's the official thread on TeamViewer's support page. There are plenty of people with this problem running Catalina. SecurityAgent was unable to create requested mechanism TeamViewerAuthPlugin:start" The computer would get stuck on boot and eventually show an error message: It totally bricked the brand new machine.

Not a best practice I realize but what's the worst that could happen? One morning I casually "deleted" TeamViewer from a 2020 iMac by dragging the application into the trash (and not using the uninstaller built into the app). Been using AD on 10+ machines with zero issues. Like many here I ditched TV a while ago for AnyDesk.